I see lately that readers are opening the entry Who Let The Dog Out? possibly expecting it to be about the latest woes of bounty hunter Duane Chapman in a politically correct America. But it happens that the entry in question was written three months before Dog’s recent leaked phone call with his son in which he referred to the son’s girlfriend with repeated racial epithets.
Everyone has something to say about this news story and aside from the obvious abhorrent nature of any words that fuel hatred, it strikes me as odd that people are this surprised that a redneck ex-con with a hairdo out of Deliverance might actually be a bigot. Prejudiced people are everywhere and nothing excuses them. The fact remains that we’ve all done business with them, worked alongside them, unwittingly dated them, even elected them to public office. They usually look just like concerned members of the community, do-gooders even, and if we suddenly get a glimpse at their hidden agenda we need to be sharp enough to have considered the possibility it existed in private all along. Often you don’t smell the shit until you step in it.
A secondary issue here might be what exactly is up in this father/son relationship that set the stage for a phone call to be taped and showcased for enquiring minds everywhere. If I were the Dog I would be more concerned about that than my career. A&E pulled the show the moment the story broke, but we can look to many past cases in which the celebrity-turned-pariah rose like Lazarus from the ashes to star in the new fall line-up after an acceptable waiting period. Can anyone say Rob Lowe? Family bonds are more fragile and way more complex. Building personal relationships based on mutual caring and respect has a way of influencing all the other aspects of life. It’s harder to hate when you feel loved.
The other thing I’m missing here is when did Al Sharpton become the go-to guy for racial absolution? This is not Martin Luther King, Jr. we’re talking about. This is someone who has managed to elbow his way to the front of high-profile cases and stir every pot he could by exploiting people’s fears in the name of equality. I’ve seen enough of the cards he’s holding to think that a racist going to Al Sharpton is like a man with a crush on his step-daughter asking for Woody Allen’s help. There exist many positive role models for racial understanding in today’s society yet the only phone number on the get-out-of-jail card anyone seems to have is Sharpton’s.
We’ll see what happens here with Dog. I predict he’ll be coming around again even faster than Imus. Dog excels at being a believable repentant. And people like to see lawbreakers tracked down and brought in for justice. Just make sure the tracker talks the right kind of trash.
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