Elections in our country are notable for having the air of a circus about them, what with ad campaigns aimed at slurring an opponent‘s character or experience and other amateur tactics of persuasion. This year’s presidential election, however, has ratcheted up the action with some real thought out strategies and players giving voters the opportunity to observe a circus of acrobats this time instead of clowns.
The day after Obama’s front-page headline in the sun at the Democratic convention, the first pages of every newspaper featured McCain’s choice for vice president. Along with the rest of the nation, I eagerly took in what was presented about Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, mother of five, businesswoman, ex-beauty queen athlete, self-described hockey mom with a seemingly unblemished past. Considering McCain is the Republican a Democrat could almost love, the choice of Palin, a charismatic woman in a Hillary pantsuit, was inspired. The playing field was leveled in a heartbeat now that history will be made with either victory.
Still, Palin could never have my vote in spite of her gender appeal. It is beyond reason for me how a person can be vehemently against abortion and then a proponent of hunting. Is not the movement called Pro-life? Don’t all living creatures qualify? What a coup that was, by the way, latching onto that label. As far as brands go, how much easier is it to sell Pro-life than Anti-choice?
Selling the brand is what it’s all about, and not just in business and politics. When my kids were in elementary school, I attended a meeting of parents and administrators to discuss the standardized tests our children would be taking. The one most mentioned was the EPSF. After hearing it bandied about for twenty minutes, I raised my hand and asked the school principal what EPSF stood for.
PRINCIPAL: The EPSF’s are critical for placement and planning.
OSV: I hear that, but what does EPSF mean?
PRINCIPAL: Early Predictor of School Failure.
I was stunned. No one else in the room seemed fazed. It struck me as being the equivalent of intending to name your child Blossom and then deciding on Weed.
OSV: How much would it cost to change the last initial from F to S?
PRINCIPAL: (confused) I don’t know what you mean.
OSV: I mean EPSS. Would it be possible to call it the Early Predictor of School Success? Doesn’t it seem like ‘failure’ is a word that shouldn’t be in the name of a test?
The principal looked at me like I just farted. I was glad to have gotten it out even though it fell on deaf ears. That was their choice. My choice is to vote for the right to have one every chance I get.
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