Category Archives: All the World’s a Stage

Something wicked this way comes

Celebrities are often asked during talk shows and interviews, “What famous person, living or dead, would you most like to meet?” The answers range from Socrates to Tupac, Abraham Lincoln to Marilyn Monroe. Iconic deceased actresses are always an alluring … Continue reading

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On a Wing and a Song revisited

Seven years ago, I wrote an entry that featured an American hero and icon who passed from our midst yesterday. We also shared a birthday, so I felt a special kinship. Here is that 2007 post, with my deep fondness … Continue reading

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Positively Posh

I cannot vouch for how men’s minds work in relation to their physical appearance, but I do know something about women.  As Billy Crystal’s fictional talk show host, Fernando, used to say, “It is better to look good than to … Continue reading

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Out of Vogue

It has come to my attention that fashion trends have cycled again without my knowledge.  This is not something new by any means.  Many times in the past I have cleaned out my closet and donated everything with flared legs, … Continue reading

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Speaking of Democracy

We have traveled a long and winding road from JFK’s “Ask not what your country can do for you” to Governor Romney’s “binders full of women.”  This country’s contentious 2012 presidential election is a rewarding time to be a professional … Continue reading

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In Praise of Freaks

I recently wrote a paper for a graduate lit class comparing 19th century literary ideals to the 1932 cult classic film Freaks.  If this sounds like a heady topic for a seminar paper, trust me, it beats analyzing the social rhetoric … Continue reading

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The Opposite of Ransacked

I’m going to assume you don’t know me and tell you that among people who do know me I’m considered something of an obsessively neurotic housekeeper.  I concede that things are rarely disheveled in my home, at least the places … Continue reading

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Santas, Slow-cookers and Sears

Cooking and I have never been passionate lovers, so when two friends told me at dinner last week that they love their crock pots, I decided it was time to try and spark a romance.  I went online and compared … Continue reading

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Old news, New news

Several stories I followed in the past have come around again for another layer of spectacle, opinion, justice, or resolution regardless of justice.  One is the Amanda Knox case, which I wrote about in An American in Perugia in 2009, two years … Continue reading

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Squirrel Dumplings

If a population can be judged by what it watches on TV, the American public presents a scary sight. First Lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to persuade Americans that if they are what they eat, they’re a … Continue reading

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